Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Assignment 1: Light Revealing Experience

*Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis): In northern latitudes, it is known as the aurora borealis, named after the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, Boreas. It often appears as a greenish glow (or sometimes a faint red), as if the sun were rising from an unusual direction.The aurora borealis most often occurs from September to October and from March to April. These are exact words from: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_borealis)

Tschuggen Bergoase Spa

Location: St. Moritz, Switzerland

Designed by: Architect, Mario Botto

*Tall steel and glass light scoops projecting up from the spa imitate the jagged, snow-covered mountain peaks beyond, and at the same time resemble cathedral windows.
*Inside the spa, the light, open space encourages quiet and reflection. Entering becomes a metaphor for taking steps inside oneself and proffers an opportunity for cherishing rare moments of meditative calm, much like one might find in a temple.

*The steel and glass "light trees" perch at different levels and offer up spectacular mountain views from inside. These are exact words from: (http://www.architectureweek.com/2007/0207/design_1-1.html)

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